Morning Drop Off
We wanted to thank you for your patience as we try new routes for morning drop off. Our goal is to keep a steady flow of traffic and to keep your students safe. Left hand turns out of the school cause traffic jams. We know it is inconvenience to do a U-turn but we feel like this will allow steady traffic flow. For morning drop off we have opened up the SOUTH entrance for exit also. We have removed trees and foliage to widen the area so that cars can safely enter and exit so that there will be two exits in the morning. Afternoon carline will stay the same. Please be cautious and courteous and follow the cones and hopefully soon we will have a smooth solution. You are not permitted to drop your student off in the front right parking lot to walk in alone to school. It is very dangerous to have children walking alone through the parking lot. You must park and walk them to the door. If you would like to drop your child off you must utilize the carline to drop your child off near the cafeteria. We are looking for two adults every morning to help manage traffic flow. Please click here if you are willing to help from 7:30-8am. Thank you for your support and understanding.