What is the Cornerstone Classical Foundation?
As a public charter school, we only receive partial funding per student from the State of Florida so we fundraise to bridge the gap. The amount we receive from public funding does not give our students the quality of education that CCA desires. All donations will stay at CCA and go directly to development and operating budget of Cornerstone Classical Academy.
Why should you donate to the Cornerstone Classical Foundation?
Cornerstone Classical Academy is a non-profit, 501c3 public charter school. All donations are tax-deductible. Every dollar raised goes towards supporting our school's mission to sharpen the minds and cultivate the hearts of students, through a content-rich classical education in the liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in the principles of moral character, civic virtue, and knowledge of truth. .
What impact does the Cornerstone Classsical Foundation make at CCA?
A private school level education in a public school setting
Small class sizes for more individualized attention
Daily programs such as art, music, and foreign language
Creation of a high level athletic program
Support for our outstanding faculty and staff
Learn the truth. Do the good. Love the beautiful.
If you prefer, you may donate by check.
Checks should be made out to Cornerstone Classical Academy and sent to:
Attn: Executive Director
Cornerstone Classical Academy
2360 St. Johns Bluff Rd. S.
Jacksonville, FL 32246
Email info@cornerstoneclassical.org for more information.